14 Lucky Charms for Gambling

Gamblers around the world know that there will always be ups and downs when gambling, but wouldn’t it be nice if you could get a healthy dose of luck to turn a bad run around? In this article, we take a look at some good luck charms for gambling that might invite Lady Luck toContinue reading “14 Lucky Charms for Gambling”

The Cinder-Tree: Origins Of The World’s Most Famous Fairy Tale Cinderella

The Cinderella tale common in most households is one of the most pervasive narratives in human culture and across global geography. Types of this story exist as far back as 2000 BC in the Sumerian Inanna texts . Classic Greek historians, such as Sappho and Herodotus, recount historical legends with all the elements of theContinue reading “The Cinder-Tree: Origins Of The World’s Most Famous Fairy Tale Cinderella”

How a Monster-Repelling Cake Became a Lunar New Year Staple

DURING LUNAR NEW YEAR, A prosperous future belongs to those who eat their weight in luck. Diners slurp long noodles to ensure long lives and scarf down bone-in fish to swim to new fortunes. But the sweetest of these auspicious New Year dishes may be nian gao, a sticky cake eaten with the hope thatContinue reading “How a Monster-Repelling Cake Became a Lunar New Year Staple”

7 mythological beasts that starred in nightmares during the Middle Ages

Winged animals, guardians of Hell and creatures that rise again: these are some of the mythological beasts of the Middle Ages. Despite being a period in history marked by the presence of the Catholic Church in the West, various Pagan symbolic traditions flourished during the Middle Ages. The Tarot, the San Juan festivities and aContinue reading “7 mythological beasts that starred in nightmares during the Middle Ages”

Mimetoliths: The Faces We See in Rock Formations

A common term most first-year psychology students learn is “apophenia” — the human tendency to perceive meaningful patterns in random things, like objects or ideas. There are plenty of ways we see apophenia play out in the real world. Take mimetoliths. “A mimetolith is a natural rock feature that resembles a living form in natureContinue reading “Mimetoliths: The Faces We See in Rock Formations”


What’s happening in January 2021? Start the new year reading about this month’s holidays, some fun traditions, stargazing events, cozy recipes, and more! THE MONTH OF JANUARY January was named for the Roman god Janus, known as the protector of gates and doorways who symbolize beginnings and endings. Janus is depicted with two faces, oneContinue reading “EVERYTHING YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT JANUARY – HOLIDAYS, FUN FACTS, FOLKLORE”

Seven objects that say ’Christmas’ around the world

Decorated trees and Santa Claus may be ubiquitous in the modern Western holiday. But other cultures have their own adornments for the festive season – many of them rooted in local folklore. Give yourself five seconds to name five seasonal objects linked to Christmas and the chances are you could. But would these five beContinue reading “Seven objects that say ’Christmas’ around the world”

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