Thanksgiving 2023 – History of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in the United States, and Thanksgiving 2023 occurs on Thursday, November 23. In 1621, the Plymouth colonists from England and the Native American Wampanoag people shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. For more than two centuries, daysContinue reading “Thanksgiving 2023 – History of Thanksgiving”

Unexpected discovery of mysterious drawings could change the way scientists look at cave art

Massive Native American drawings — which remained unseen in an Alabama cave for more than 1,000 years — have been unveiled by a team of scientists. It’s the largest known cave art ever discovered in North America. The art was practically invisible until researchers investigated the cave and used 3D scans to reveal the works,Continue reading “Unexpected discovery of mysterious drawings could change the way scientists look at cave art”

The Ancient Origins of the Easter Bunny

A scholar traces the folk figure’s history from the Neolithic era to today The Easter bunny is a much-celebrated character in American Easter celebrations. On Easter Sunday, children look for hidden special treats, often chocolate Easter eggs, that the Easter bunny might have left behind. As a folklorist, I’m aware of the origins of theContinue reading “The Ancient Origins of the Easter Bunny”

Behind the traditions: How did icons like shamrock become linked to St. Patrick’s Day?

Holidays are known for the traditional activities associated with them. However, most also are linked to various symbols or icons — and St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, is no exception. With the tradition of wearing green and celebratory parties, some may overlook the holiday’s symbolism. Here are some of the icons associated with St. Patrick’sContinue reading “Behind the traditions: How did icons like shamrock become linked to St. Patrick’s Day?”

Coyote Symbolism & What It Means To See A Coyote

Coyotes, whose binomial name is Canis latrans, belong to the canine family and are close relatives of the wolf. Native to North America, coyotes have a reputation for being tricksters who prey on livestock and pets. But without them, the ecosystem would suffer; rodent and small predator populations would skyrocket. And despite their reputation forContinue reading “Coyote Symbolism & What It Means To See A Coyote”

6 Countries Where It Is Forbidden To Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day, celebrated on February 14th each year, started out as a Christian feast day honoring one, or even two, early Christian martyrs by the name of St. Valentine. One was Valentine of Rome, a priest who was martyred in 269, and the other, Valentine of Terni, a bishop who was martyred in 273. InContinue reading “6 Countries Where It Is Forbidden To Celebrate Valentine’s Day”

If You See a Spider on Halloween, You May Want to Think Twice About Killing It

Human beings need to participate in some really funky mental gymnastics to feel special. Take holidays. for instance. You don’t see a family of beavers huddling around a fire in the wintertime exchanging gifts while they sip warm beverages and munch on ginger snaps. It’s probably because they’re too busy building dams with their tailsContinue reading “If You See a Spider on Halloween, You May Want to Think Twice About Killing It”

Why are black and orange the traditional Halloween colours?

Whether you celebrate by taking your kids trick-or-treating, attending a costume party, or watching your favourite scary movies, Halloween is a beloved holiday associated with candy, mysterious creatures, and spooky events. But how much do you really know about the holiday that takes place on October 31? Have you ever wondered why people across theContinue reading “Why are black and orange the traditional Halloween colours?”

Why Owls Are a Spooky Symbol of Halloween, According to Folklore Historians

Owls perch themselves on branches and hoot into the great outdoors on any given night, but these animals also play a big role when it comes to being spooky symbols of Halloween. According to Adrienne Mayor, a classical folklorist and ancient historian and professor in the classics department at Stanford University, owls have always hadContinue reading “Why Owls Are a Spooky Symbol of Halloween, According to Folklore Historians”

The Lake Winnipesaukee Mystery Stone

Have you ever heard of the Lake Winnipesaukee Mystery Stone? Learn more about this historic object, one of a handful of mysterious stone eggs found throughout the world. Where Was the Lake Winnipesaukee Mystery Stone Found? In 1872, in the town of Meredith, New Hampshire, on Lake Winnipesaukee, construction workers hired by Seneca A. Ladd,Continue reading “The Lake Winnipesaukee Mystery Stone”

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