Halloween traditions and their history

Halloween is a special holiday filled with many fun aspects and traditions. Carving pumpkins, dressing up in costumes, trick-or-treating, witches and black cats are some of the first things that come to mind when one thinks about Halloween. But, the history of Halloween is one that is broad, mysterious and full of lore. The originsContinue reading “Halloween traditions and their history”

Everything You Need to Know about October!

In October, autumn comes into full swing. Let’s get in the fall mood! Learn why this month is called October, which holidays to look out for, what to do in the garden, what to bake in the kitchen, when to see the full Hunter’s Moon, and more! The Month of OctoberThis month’s name stems fromContinue reading “Everything You Need to Know about October!”

Why are black and orange the traditional Halloween colours?

Whether you celebrate by taking your kids trick-or-treating, attending a costume party, or watching your favourite scary movies, Halloween is a beloved holiday associated with candy, mysterious creatures, and spooky events. But how much do you really know about the holiday that takes place on October 31? Have you ever wondered why people across theContinue reading “Why are black and orange the traditional Halloween colours?”

How Jack O’Lanterns Originated in Irish Myth

Before we carved pumpkins, the Irish chiseled creepy faces onto turnips. Pumpkins with ghoulish faces and illuminated by candles are a sure sign of the Halloween season. The practice of decorating jack-o’-lanterns originated in Ireland, where large turnips and potatoes served as early canvasses. In fact, the name, jack-o’-lantern, comes from an Irish folktale aboutContinue reading “How Jack O’Lanterns Originated in Irish Myth”

6 Things You May Not Know About Pumpkins

Which famous French explorer is credited with naming them? In the United States, pumpkins go hand in hand with the fall holidays of Halloween and Thanksgiving. Harvested in October, this nutritious and versatile orange fruit features flowers, seeds and flesh that are edible and rich in vitamins. Pumpkin is used to make soups, desserts andContinue reading “6 Things You May Not Know About Pumpkins”

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