Halloween traditions and their history

Halloween is a special holiday filled with many fun aspects and traditions. Carving pumpkins, dressing up in costumes, trick-or-treating, witches and black cats are some of the first things that come to mind when one thinks about Halloween. But, the history of Halloween is one that is broad, mysterious and full of lore. The originsContinue reading “Halloween traditions and their history”

The Legend Of Witches Flying On Brooms Explained

Witches flying through the air on brooms is an iconic image associated with Halloween. But how did the two — witches, brooms — become associated with one another? It’s hard to say, since both have folklore reaching back hundreds of years. Most trace the origin of Halloween to the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain, aContinue reading “The Legend Of Witches Flying On Brooms Explained”

The Salem Witch Trials 1692

With October just around the corner, Halloween and Salem Massachusetts often comes to mind. The city of Salem Massachusetts has a global perception for being a town of Halloween and witch related festivities. Part of this perception is tied to the Salem Haunted Happenings celebration that takes place here in Salem Massachusetts every October. ThisContinue reading “The Salem Witch Trials 1692”

Witches and Walpurgis Night

In modern British and American popular culture, Halloween is the night most associated with the nocturnal activities of witches and the souls of the dead. But in much of Europe the 30 April or May Eve, otherwise known as Walpurgis Night, was another moment when spirits and witches were thought to roam abroad. The lifeContinue reading “Witches and Walpurgis Night”

The Easter Witches of Sweden

Today’s lighthearted Easter tradition traces its roots to the witch trials and conspiracy theories of the 16th and 17th centuries. Ah, Easter. The time for egg hunts, bunnies, and… witches? As folklore scholar Fredrik Skott writes, Easter witches are, in fact, a longstanding Swedish tradition. Skott traces the idea of the Easter witch to theContinue reading “The Easter Witches of Sweden”

The Ancient Origins of the Easter Bunny

A scholar traces the folk figure’s history from the Neolithic era to today The Easter bunny is a much-celebrated character in American Easter celebrations. On Easter Sunday, children look for hidden special treats, often chocolate Easter eggs, that the Easter bunny might have left behind. As a folklorist, I’m aware of the origins of theContinue reading “The Ancient Origins of the Easter Bunny”

‘Witches’ that were tried, drowned and hanged in sleepy Merseyside village

Legends of alleged ‘witches’ have been part of folklore for centuries. With barbaric trials taking place in towns across the country through many towns in the country to ‘confirm’ a woman was in fact a ‘witch’. Alleged “witches” were “tried, drowned and hanged” in one area which now inhabits Merseyside – with another being executedContinue reading “‘Witches’ that were tried, drowned and hanged in sleepy Merseyside village”

Behind the traditions: How did icons like shamrock become linked to St. Patrick’s Day?

Holidays are known for the traditional activities associated with them. However, most also are linked to various symbols or icons — and St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, is no exception. With the tradition of wearing green and celebratory parties, some may overlook the holiday’s symbolism. Here are some of the icons associated with St. Patrick’sContinue reading “Behind the traditions: How did icons like shamrock become linked to St. Patrick’s Day?”

Bundle Up for December’s Full Cold Moon!

December’s full Cold Moon rises on Saturday, December 18, 2021! And it’s a “Micromoon.” Learn more about what the Cold Moon and what makes it special. When to See December’s Full Moon December’s Cold Moon reaches peak illumination on Saturday, December 18, 2021, at 11:37 P.M. EST. Fire TV Cube Start looking for the fullContinue reading “Bundle Up for December’s Full Cold Moon!”

Naples: saints, spirits, and superstition in Italy’s most enigmatic city

Naples is a place like no other. Few cities can boast an archaeological museum containing Pompeiian pornography, a church where the blood of a saint is said to liquefy three times a year, and a subterranean cemetery said to be inhabited purely by spirits. Nestled between Mount Vesuvius to the east and the wide MediterraneanContinue reading “Naples: saints, spirits, and superstition in Italy’s most enigmatic city”

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