Cassiopeia the Queen is overhead on autumn evenings

Cassiopeia overhead on autumn evenings The constellation Cassiopeia the Queen can be found high in the sky on October and November evenings, not far from Polaris, the North Star. At any time of year, you can use the Big Dipper to find Cassiopeia. These two star formations are like riders on opposite sides of aContinue reading “Cassiopeia the Queen is overhead on autumn evenings”

November Birthstones: Topaz and Citrine

Throughout history, topaz and citrine have often been mistaken for one another. Although they both occur in yellow and look similar, they are, in fact, unrelated mineral species. Learn more about the history, meaning, and symbolism of topaz and citrine: the birthstones for November. Topaz Topaz’s Color Pure topaz is colorless and, for many years,Continue reading “November Birthstones: Topaz and Citrine”

Thanksgiving night sky 2021: 3 planets and more shine in tonight’s sky!

Thanksgiving is often thought of as a time for family and friends to get together — but after the feast has been consumed, what’s next on the agenda? A time to reflect on one’s many blessings? Certainly. A visual feast of football enjoyed from an overstuffed recliner, long after the turkey and all its trimmingsContinue reading “Thanksgiving night sky 2021: 3 planets and more shine in tonight’s sky!”

The Plymouth Vampire of 1807

Thanksgiving is fast approaching, and many people associate the holiday with Plymouth, Massachusetts. This is where the Pilgrims held a feast in 1621 that is sometimes said to be the “first Thanksgiving.” That may not really be the case, but it’s still a beloved American myth that is remembered every year around this time. ButContinue reading “The Plymouth Vampire of 1807”

November’s Full Moon Is Called the Beaver Moon

So you’ve heard of a New Moon, a Full Moon, and probably even eclipses. But did you know that each Full Moon has a special name? mind blown It’s true—and it’s determined by the month of the year the Full Moon occurs in, not the zodiac sign the Moon is in. In November, the FullContinue reading “November’s Full Moon Is Called the Beaver Moon”

When is Day of the Dead 2021 and why do we celebrate it?

Towards the end of October, it’s common to see a barrage of dancing skeleton cartoons and sugar skulls. And while it’s easy to assume this is because of Halloween, it’s actually another annual festival that we have to thank entirely. Day of the Dead, or Dia de Los Muertos in Spanish, is a holiday thatContinue reading “When is Day of the Dead 2021 and why do we celebrate it?”

Hunter’s Moon: what you need to know about autumn’s super-lunar event

The Hunter’s Moon – aka the first full moon after the harvest – is a super-lunar event that falls between October and November. As well as making for striking Halloween photos (due to its positioning, the Hunter’s Moon tends to resemble something not unlike a fat pumpkin), astrologers have it pegged as a huge momentContinue reading “Hunter’s Moon: what you need to know about autumn’s super-lunar event”

Why We Celebrate Thanksgiving on the Fourth Thursday in November

Did you know that Thanksgiving used to be the last Thursday in November? Here’s the story of why it changed in 1939, and how the public reacted. Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November? The country was still emerging from the Depression when Franklin D. Roosevelt announced, in the summer ofContinue reading “Why We Celebrate Thanksgiving on the Fourth Thursday in November”

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