The Legend of Purgatory Chasm – a chilling story of colonial and Native American lore

Little is said about the origins of this unassuming wonder nestled in Sutton, MA, just southeast of Worcester. But with a name like Purgatory Chasm, how could you not be curious? The Legend of Purgatory Chasm According to legend, an Algonquin Indian woman found herself in a tight spot (pun intended) shortly after she killedContinue reading “The Legend of Purgatory Chasm – a chilling story of colonial and Native American lore”

The Lake Winnipesaukee Mystery Stone

Have you ever heard of the Lake Winnipesaukee Mystery Stone? Learn more about this historic object, one of a handful of mysterious stone eggs found throughout the world. Where Was the Lake Winnipesaukee Mystery Stone Found? In 1872, in the town of Meredith, New Hampshire, on Lake Winnipesaukee, construction workers hired by Seneca A. Ladd,Continue reading “The Lake Winnipesaukee Mystery Stone”

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