Valentine’s Day: History, Traditions, and Astonishing Facts

Ah, Valentine’s Day. ‘Tis the season when drug store shelves transform into bright displays of red and pink. For many who celebrate it in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s not yet spring—there’s still snow to trudge through—but there is a brief buzz in the air and, for the lucky ones, a heart-shaped box of chocolates waitingContinue reading “Valentine’s Day: History, Traditions, and Astonishing Facts”

Thanksgiving 2023 – History of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in the United States, and Thanksgiving 2023 occurs on Thursday, November 23. In 1621, the Plymouth colonists from England and the Native American Wampanoag people shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. For more than two centuries, daysContinue reading “Thanksgiving 2023 – History of Thanksgiving”

How Rare Is a Full Moon on Halloween?

Ever noticed that Halloween pictures always show a full Moon? How rare is a full Moon on Halloween, exactly? Let’s learn more about the mythical Moon on this rather mystical night! How Rare Is a Halloween Full Moon?Despite all the creative Halloween full Moon pictures, a full Moon occurring on Halloween is not a commonContinue reading “How Rare Is a Full Moon on Halloween?”

How 25 Christmas Traditions Got Their Start

From its Puritan roots to complaints of rampant commercialism (“What is it you want?” Charlie Brown asks Lucy in A Charlie Brown Christmas. “Real Estate.”), Christmas in America has been filled with traditions, old and new. Some date back to 16th-century Germany or even ancient Greek times, while others have caught on in modern times.Continue reading “How 25 Christmas Traditions Got Their Start”

Why Do We Kiss Under the Mistletoe?

Why do we kiss under the mistletoe? Of all the plants used in Christmas decor, not many have as long and as interesting a history as mistletoe. Discover the meaning of mistletoe and fascinating folklore behind it. First of All, What Is Mistletoe?With evergreen leaves, yellow flowers, and white berries, large clumps of mistletoe areContinue reading “Why Do We Kiss Under the Mistletoe?”

The Legend Of Witches Flying On Brooms Explained

Witches flying through the air on brooms is an iconic image associated with Halloween. But how did the two — witches, brooms — become associated with one another? It’s hard to say, since both have folklore reaching back hundreds of years. Most trace the origin of Halloween to the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain, aContinue reading “The Legend Of Witches Flying On Brooms Explained”

Fourth of July 2022: Celebrate with History, Traditions, and Recipes

What’s the best way to celebrate the Fourth of July? Refresh your memory about this all-important American holiday. What actually happened on July 4, 1776? How did the founders envision our country’s Independence Day celebration? What are ways to prep for YOUR Fourth of July? When Is Independence Day This Year? On the 4th ofContinue reading “Fourth of July 2022: Celebrate with History, Traditions, and Recipes”

The Bittersweet History of Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day! The real history of Mother’s Day in the United States might surprise you. Three women—who championed efforts toward better health, welfare, peace, and love—contributed to this day. This is also a bittersweet tale. Learn more. The Mother’s Day holiday in the United States—always celebrated on the second Sunday in May—wasn’t born outContinue reading “The Bittersweet History of Mother’s Day”

Mother’s Day 2022 – Ancient Traditions and Folklore

Mother’s Day falls on Sunday, May 8 this year. It may surprise you to know that celebrations honoring mothers are ancient traditions, not a Hallmark invention. Discover more about Mother’s Day—plus 10 fun ideas to celebrate mom! When Is Mother’s Day? In the United States, Mother’s Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday inContinue reading “Mother’s Day 2022 – Ancient Traditions and Folklore”

The Easter Witches of Sweden

Today’s lighthearted Easter tradition traces its roots to the witch trials and conspiracy theories of the 16th and 17th centuries. Ah, Easter. The time for egg hunts, bunnies, and… witches? As folklore scholar Fredrik Skott writes, Easter witches are, in fact, a longstanding Swedish tradition. Skott traces the idea of the Easter witch to theContinue reading “The Easter Witches of Sweden”

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