El Chupacabra: Legend, Sightings & Facts

What lurks in the shadows, bearing red eyes and a thirst for blood? The name “Chupacabra,” or “goat sucker” in English, may sound whimsical, but for many in Latin America and the southwestern United States, it’s a word that evokes fear, curiosity and disbelief. With the bloodsucking monster’s mysterious origins, conflicting descriptions and the chillingContinue reading “El Chupacabra: Legend, Sightings & Facts”

The Easter Witches of Sweden

Today’s lighthearted Easter tradition traces its roots to the witch trials and conspiracy theories of the 16th and 17th centuries. Ah, Easter. The time for egg hunts, bunnies, and… witches? As folklore scholar Fredrik Skott writes, Easter witches are, in fact, a longstanding Swedish tradition. Skott traces the idea of the Easter witch to theContinue reading “The Easter Witches of Sweden”

Why Owls Are a Spooky Symbol of Halloween, According to Folklore Historians

Owls perch themselves on branches and hoot into the great outdoors on any given night, but these animals also play a big role when it comes to being spooky symbols of Halloween. According to Adrienne Mayor, a classical folklorist and ancient historian and professor in the classics department at Stanford University, owls have always hadContinue reading “Why Owls Are a Spooky Symbol of Halloween, According to Folklore Historians”

These are just some of the craziest superstitions in the world!

Everyone has a thing they believe in and although superstitions might sometimes seem silly, they also play a role in who we are as people. Merriam-Webster.com describes superstitions as: “a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation.” VITENZI Bifocal Sunglasses CatContinue reading “These are just some of the craziest superstitions in the world!”

When New Englanders Blamed Vampires for Tuberculosis Deaths by History’s CRYSTAL PONTI

More than 200 years after the Salem Witch Trials, ripples of another hysteria struck New England: the fear of vampires. During the 19th century, the spread of tuberculosis, or consumption, claimed the lives of entire families in Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont and other parts of the Northeast. Between 1786—when health officials first began recording mortalityContinue reading “When New Englanders Blamed Vampires for Tuberculosis Deaths by History’s CRYSTAL PONTI”

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