Deep Merseyside tunnels ‘haunted by dwarves and witches’

There have long been legends surrounding deep caves in St Helens Crank Caverns, formerly Rainford Delph Quarry, is an abandoned cave system to the north of St Helens. Due to the sheer size and darkness of the tunnels, urban legends and myths have been dreamed up by adults and kids alike. The legends range fromContinue reading “Deep Merseyside tunnels ‘haunted by dwarves and witches’”


It seems as though Idaho is home to all sorts of mythical creatures. You’ve got the legendary Sasquatch roaming the forests, you’ve got the sea serpent Sharlie living in Payette Lake, and now… we’ve got the Nimerigar, a race of humanoids that could only be described as “cannibalistic dwarves” according to Now, I’ll beContinue reading “ARE THE MOUNTAINS OF IDAHO REALLY BEING TERRORIZED BY CANNIBALS?”

Release the Trolls: The Norse Mythology Prevalent in Popular Culture

Amazon’s upcoming Lord of the Rings series, which New Zealand’s taxpayers contributed US$114m towards just to keep in the country, reaffirms the fact that the world loves high fantasy. J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic was a fixture of pop culture long before Peter Jackson brought it to life on the big screen. But its permanence in theContinue reading “Release the Trolls: The Norse Mythology Prevalent in Popular Culture”

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