In search of the Albatwitch: What’s the evidence for Lancaster County’s famous cryptid?

Call it a cryptid claim to fame. The riverside community of Columbia, Lancaster County, has latched onto the long-held lore of the Albatwitch, a small, fury creature that dates to Native American times here, and elevated it to legendary status. The Albatwitch is now driving what creature hunter David Spinks calls “para-tourism” as thousands flockContinue reading “In search of the Albatwitch: What’s the evidence for Lancaster County’s famous cryptid?”

A Guide To California’s Monsters And Mythical Creatures

When in California, don’t check for monsters under your bed — these mythical creatures roam your backyard. Sleep with one eye open, because monsters are skulking all through the night. Beware: Bigfoot prowls the forests of California; Chupacabra rushes over from the tales of Mexico; the Dark Watchers haunt the glimmering waters of Avila Beach.Continue reading “A Guide To California’s Monsters And Mythical Creatures”

Yowie Trackers Reckon They’ve Filmed The Most Definitive Footage Yet, If You Like Red Blobs

Strap in folks, because a new batch of yowie evidence has emerged and it’s about high time give this under-appreciated cryptid some long-overdue coverage. Yowie researcher Dean Harrison reckons he’s recorded footage of two nine-foot-tall yowies at the Springbrook National Park on the Gold Coast. Of course, it wouldn’t be a cryptid sighting without almost-unviewableContinue reading “Yowie Trackers Reckon They’ve Filmed The Most Definitive Footage Yet, If You Like Red Blobs”

Hart making big plans for The World Myth Museum

A Farmington man with a unique eye for the unusual, along with the talent to match, is taking the first steps in fulfilling his long-time dream of opening a museum that focuses on myths and legends. To turn his dream into reality, Kendall Hart has joined forces with John Burroughs, an expert in the fieldsContinue reading “Hart making big plans for The World Myth Museum”

Giant shrimp in the laundry room: The tale of Bremerton’s own cryptid

You’ve heard of Bigfoot. The Chupacabra. Perhaps even Mount St. Helens’ famous “Batsquatch.” For years, the Pacific Northwest has been the source of many alleged sightings of strange and terrifying creatures. But Bremerton might be home to Washington’s most enigmatic cryptid: The Giant Shrimp in the Laundry Room. First published in an issue of StrangeContinue reading “Giant shrimp in the laundry room: The tale of Bremerton’s own cryptid”

Boulder, Wyoming Reports Sightings of ‘Dogman’ Cryptid Creature

There is a legendary creature called the dogman. He’s normally associated with a different part of the country, but there are two new reports here in Wyoming and they’re quite a tale. According to WIkipedia, a dogman is a 7-foot-tall creature that is a mix between wolf and human. It’s a common legend in theContinue reading “Boulder, Wyoming Reports Sightings of ‘Dogman’ Cryptid Creature”

10 Bizarre Cryptids You Might Not Know About

Mythical monsters like Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, the Chupacabra, the Mothman, and the Yeti are so well-known across multiple cultures that they have blurred the line between myth and reality, as reports of these beasts continue to grow as smartphones have allowed more and more people to seemingly capture evidence of such creatures. WhileContinue reading “10 Bizarre Cryptids You Might Not Know About”

The legends and lore of N.J. that will make your skin crawl

“Ahem,” in a Rod Serling voice … “There is the third state that was created in the nation known as the United States. It is a state as vast as the Pine Barrens and as timeless as Frank Sinatra. It is the middle ground between city and nature, between pork roll and Taylor ham, andContinue reading “The legends and lore of N.J. that will make your skin crawl”


It was in January of 1909 that New Jersey was gripped by reports of multiple sightings of the infamous New Jersey Devil. If you’re unfamiliar with the legend, there are multiple origin stories for the beast, but on of the most popular says that in 1735, a woman in the Pine Barrens named Jane LeedsContinue reading “THE CREEPY ORIGINS OF THE ‘JERSEY DEVIL’”

Paranormal America: Author discusses Bigfoot, UFOs and ghosts in virtual talk

FREMONT – A California professor specializing in paranormal beliefs and discoveries on who believes in what when it comes to the supernatural discussed his findings through a virtual event this week at the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library and Museums. Bader is a sociology professor at Chapman University in Orange, California, studying paranormal beliefs, religion,Continue reading “Paranormal America: Author discusses Bigfoot, UFOs and ghosts in virtual talk”

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