The Legend Of Witches Flying On Brooms Explained

Witches flying through the air on brooms is an iconic image associated with Halloween. But how did the two — witches, brooms — become associated with one another? It’s hard to say, since both have folklore reaching back hundreds of years. Most trace the origin of Halloween to the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain, aContinue reading “The Legend Of Witches Flying On Brooms Explained”

The Abhartach: The Terrifying Tale Of The Irish Vampire

When I was a kid, there were two tales from Irish folklore that terrified me: the one about the Banshee and the story of the Abhartach. Now, if you’ve never heard of the Abhartach, it’s the Irish Vampire – one of the fiercest of the many Irish mythological creatures. Ireland, like many countries, is homeContinue reading “The Abhartach: The Terrifying Tale Of The Irish Vampire”

Behind the traditions: How did icons like shamrock become linked to St. Patrick’s Day?

Holidays are known for the traditional activities associated with them. However, most also are linked to various symbols or icons — and St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, is no exception. With the tradition of wearing green and celebratory parties, some may overlook the holiday’s symbolism. Here are some of the icons associated with St. Patrick’sContinue reading “Behind the traditions: How did icons like shamrock become linked to St. Patrick’s Day?”

Forget Hades and Loki, who was the Celtic god of death?

The names of the ancient Celtic gods are much less known than those of their Greek and Norse counterparts. Thanks to modern retellings of ancient myths in books and movies, names such as Hades, the Greek god of the Underworld, and Loki, the Norse trickster god, are well known. But the gods and goddesses ofContinue reading “Forget Hades and Loki, who was the Celtic god of death?”


Did you know that Halloween is an astronomical holiday? It’s a descendant of the ancient Celtic calendar which was based on the seasons—with the Quarter Days near the solstices and equinoxes and the Cross-Quarter Days as the seasonal midpoints. Learn more—and find out why we all celebrate Groundhog Day, Christmas, and other holidays the wayContinue reading “ANCIENT CELTIC CALENDAR: WHAT ARE THE QUARTER DAYS AND WHAT DO THEY MEAN?”


It’s that time of the year when carved out pumpkins adorn window ledges and houses are decorated with all kinds of creatures of the night. Children dress up in scary costumes before heading towards their neighbour’s front door and declaring ‘trick or treat’ in the hope of securing some sugary goodies. It is of courseContinue reading “SAMHAIN AND THE PAGAN ROOTS OF HALLOWEEN”

Inside the Irish ‘hell caves’ where Halloween was born

In the middle of a field in a lesser known part of Ireland is a large mound occupied by sheep. These livestock wander freely, chewing the grass beneath their feet. Yet, had they been in that same location 2,000 years ago, these animals probably would have been stiff with terror, held aloft by chanting, costumedContinue reading “Inside the Irish ‘hell caves’ where Halloween was born”


Michaelmas is one of the Quarter Days of the ancient Celtic Calendar—as is Christmas! This calendar was based on the seasons with the Quarter Days near the solstices and equinoxes and the Cross-Quarter Days as the seasonal midpoints. Learn more—and find out why we celebrate Groundhog Day, Halloween, June weddings, and fall elections the wayContinue reading “ANCIENT CELTIC CALENDAR: WHAT ARE THE QUARTER DAYS AND WHAT DO THEY MEAN?”

12 Welsh walks that uncover legends, waterfalls, nature trails and caves

Dramatic coastlines, heather moorlands, mountainous ridges, river valleys and peaceful forests. Wales certainly boasts a superb selection of scenery and diverse landscapes for hikers. Thanks to Wales’ Celtic history and alluring landscapes, there are a number of treks with quirky features, curious landscapes and points of interest. Get a box of delicious treats from aroundContinue reading “12 Welsh walks that uncover legends, waterfalls, nature trails and caves”

The best stories from Irish mythology

From shamrocks and Saint Patrick, to Pooka and Banshees, learn more about the most famous stories and figures running through Irish folklore. The Leprechaun There’s no questioning that the leprechaun, which dates back to medieval times, is Ireland’s most prolific myth. Leprechauns were originally known as tall fairies that would appear to humans as oldContinue reading “The best stories from Irish mythology”

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