The Ghost of Bordentown

An alleged ‘ghost’ once haunted Bordentown patrons in the 1800s The Bordentown area is well-known for its historical ties to people such as Thomas Paine, Francis Hopkinson, Clara Barton and Joseph Bonaparte, but the small river community once gained national attention in the 1800s for something obscure rather than historical significance. According to an articleContinue reading “The Ghost of Bordentown”

Unexpected discovery of mysterious drawings could change the way scientists look at cave art

Massive Native American drawings — which remained unseen in an Alabama cave for more than 1,000 years — have been unveiled by a team of scientists. It’s the largest known cave art ever discovered in North America. The art was practically invisible until researchers investigated the cave and used 3D scans to reveal the works,Continue reading “Unexpected discovery of mysterious drawings could change the way scientists look at cave art”

Mermaid Museum exploring mythical creature set to open in Berlin this weekend

BERLIN, Md. — Berlin’s newest attraction, a mermaid museum, is set to open this weekend. The museum will give visitors an in-depth look into the worldwide lure of the mermaid, according to the museum’s creator. Mermaids have fascinated the ages bringing seafaring tales that mixed with art and pop culture. The Ocean City area hasContinue reading “Mermaid Museum exploring mythical creature set to open in Berlin this weekend”

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