November Birthstones: Topaz and Citrine

Throughout history, topaz and citrine have often been mistaken for one another. Although they both occur in yellow and look similar, they are, in fact, unrelated mineral species. Learn more about the history, meaning, and symbolism of topaz and citrine: the birthstones for November.


Topaz’s Color

Pure topaz is colorless and, for many years, was confused for diamonds. But topaz also occurs in a range of colors: orange, pink, red, violet, blue, green, and most commonly, yellow and brown.

The gem is allochromatic, meaning it receives its color from impurity elements—or defects—in its crystal structure.

  • The presence of chromium causes pink, red, and violet.
  • Imperfections at the atomic level are what lead to yellow and brown colors.
  • Blue topaz results from treating colorless topaz through irradiation or heat.

Imperial topaz, a reddish- or pinkish-orange gem, is one of the rarest forms of the gem and, therefore, the most expensive.


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