Forget Hades and Loki, who was the Celtic god of death?


The names of the ancient Celtic gods are much less known than those of their Greek and Norse counterparts.

Thanks to modern retellings of ancient myths in books and movies, names such as Hades, the Greek god of the Underworld, and Loki, the Norse trickster god, are well known. But the gods and goddesses of Celtic mythology are often overlooked in today’s popular culture.

According to, the concept of an “afterlife” did not exist in Celtic mythology. However, there did exist an ‘Otherworld’ that not only served as the realm of the dead, but also as the dwelling place for a pantheon of ancient deities that interacted with humans in life and death.

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Unlike Hell, which is seen by Christians as existing in another place separate from heaven and earth, the ‘Otherworld’ of Celtic mythology was seen as a parallel universe.

“Celtic gods and goddesses were not believed to reside elsewhere, waiting for the departed souls to arrive after death, but they were perceived as often crossing back and forth to the human dimension, and Celtic heroes used magic to venture from here, into their realm.”


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