Seventh Loch Ness Monster sighting of the year recorded as ‘unidentified creature’ is spotted in Urquhart Bay close to the castle

The seventh official Loch Ness Monster sighting of the year has been recorded after an ‘unidentified creature’ was spotted in the bay close to the Urquhart Castle.

The latest sighting was reported by a tourist who was up visiting from Cambridge and was standing close to the castle on the banks.

Using a set of binoculars, the man was scanning the loch’s surface on Wednesday June 2 about 1.30pm when he said he spotted a creature for two seconds.

With the pandemic curbing most of the visitors to the area in the last year, the other official sightings made at have been recorded via webcam.

Gary Campbell, who keeps the register and has recorded more than 1130 alleged sightings of Nessie over 25 years, said: “He said a hump came up going against the waves, looking like a turtle’s back, black in colour with a green tinge to it.

“He reported that the weather was warm and sunny with excellent visibility.”


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